
Gitbook 插件:为文字加上底色


{"plugins": [


{% raw %}

This text is {% em %}highlighted !{% endem %}

This text is {% em %}highlighted with **markdown**!{% endem %}

This text is {% em type="green" %}highlighted in green!{% endem %}

This text is {% em type="red" %}highlighted in red!{% endem %}

This text is {% em color="#ff0000" %}highlighted with a custom color!{% endem %}

{% endraw %}


This text is highlighted !

This text is highlighted with markdown!

This text is highlighted in green!

This text is highlighted in red!

This text is highlighted with a custom color!

Copyright & Copy zha0cai该文件修订时间: 2024-03-28 15:32:43

results matching ""

    No results matching ""